Therefore, the question, “Can I get Vectorworks for free?” is very valid. At these prices, Vectorworks is inaccessible to many CAD users. Check out our “ how much does Vectorworks cost?” article for more. The most basic package, Vectorworks Fundamentals, costs a one-time fee of $2,300, with yearly upgrades costing at least $805. While Vectorworks is one of the best on the market, there are many that would consider it a bit expensive. However, with great functionality comes great investment. With its plethora of features, it is no surprise that Vectorworks products are the go-to CAD solutions for professionals across numerous industries. Combined, Vectorworks offers powerful 2D drafting, 3D modeling, 4D BIM, rendering, and simulation features. Today, however, Vectorworks consists of a line up of various highly functional CAD packages that cater to the CAD needs of the architecture, engineering, manufacturing, construction, landscaping, and entertainment industries. When Vectorworks was created in 1985 as MiniCAD, it was a single product, compatible with a single operating system, created for a single industry/purpose.